There are three very significant directions you must follow when you attempt to make any kind of appliance Repair. Don't ever try to save time or cash by disregarding these directions. You won't save anything at all, and you could finish up hurting yourself or ruining the appliance.

  • Always make definite the electrical power and/or the gas provide to the appliance is disconnected before you check the appliance to diagnose the difficulty or make any repairs. In case you turn the power on to check your work after making a repair, do not feel the appliance; turn the power on & observe. If adjustments are needed, turn the power off before you make them.
  • If the components of an appliance are held together with screws, bolts, plugs, and other take-apart fasteners, you can probably make any necessary fixes. If the components are held together with rivets or welds, don't try to fix the appliance yourself. Call an expert service person.
  • In most cases, broken or malfunctioning appliance components can be replaced more rapidly and inexpensively than they can be repaired by you or a professional. Restore any broken or malfunctioning components with new parts made particularly for that appliance. If you cannot find an accurate replacement for the broken part, it's alright to alternate alike component as long as it aligns into the vintage space. In this case, refer to the manufacturer's instructions for installation. Appliance components are available from any appliance repair service center.

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